Rainbow Rice Sensory Activities
I’ve been making play bases for the babe’s new Flisat Table. Rainbow Rice was one of the firsts on my list. I left it in the bins for a few days and the kids kept going back to it. Here’s a few great sensory activities that they did with it.
Start by making your rice! How To Color Rice – Fast & Easy!

Bottle Cap Alphabet Search
Print the alphabet template and use with Bottle Cap Letters.
–If you haven’t made Bottle Cap Letters yet, go to my Bottle Cap Letters post to print the stickers and learn how to make them.

Hide the bottle cap letters in the rice. Have your little one uncover each letter and match it to the alphabet sheet. I used lower-case letters for the template and upper-case for the caps to make it a bit more challenging.

I provided a few tools to uncover the letters but she really just dug in with her hands. And by “dug in” I mean she very carefully unveiled the bottle caps with her fingers.

Sensory Play
Of course, the most fun was mixing all the colors together. Miss 4 used her toy hand mixer to start off the fun.

I was worried that mixing the colors together wouldn’t look good but how cool is this handful of rainbow rice?! I LOVE it!!

They really liked filling toilet paper rolls with rice. Great for fine motor skills!

They drove cars, scooped, funneled and poured. The Water Wheel Bath Toy was a big hit. We used the funnel to pour onto the wheel and keep it spinning. This works best with a deep bin.

Figurine Rescue
So, we actually did this with rainbow rice and with water beads. I forgot to take pictures of them doing their rescue with rice! It’s the same concept though! Hide the figurines and provide tools for searching. I gave them big spoons, child safe tweezers, scoops and measuring cups.

They both really enjoyed this. We all took turns being the “hider” and the “rescuer.”

Playing with rainbow rice is totally fun! I got a large bag at BJ’s for really cheap. We store ours in a zip-lock bag when we aren’t using it.
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