Teaching Textures Outside
We took our crayons and paper outside today for some fun learning about textures. We took the wrappers off our jumbo crayons so we could use the sides, too. This is a great activity for sensory, fine motor and thought process. I loved how excited my littles were to try every surface they could! They even use these textures in their very own Nature Journals!
You will need:
Crayons← These triangle crayons would be perfect for this activity!

We started on the driveway. A rough and grainy texture.
Talk about the 5 senses – What does each texture feel like? Look like? What does it sound like if you rub the crayon really fast?

Then, we moved to the sidewalk. A smoother, yet still grainy texture. The spots between the bricks looked neat as we crayoned over them.

The bumpy texture of the tree was a huge hit. When you rubbed hard with the crayon on a flatter surface of the tree, it almost looked like small leopard print. Very cool!

The steps gave a smooth wood texture with long lines and ovals.

The bunny run made of OSB (a type of board) was very unique! Kind of bumpy, but also smooth.

Finally, we tried the front porch. We had fun running to each surface to see what kind of texture it would be.

When we were finished, I had Miss 4 try and guess what made each texture.

Ever since we made these, I take a large zip lock bag with us on hikes. I put crayons, pencils and cut paper inside and every time we see a cool texture or piece of nature, we stop and draw. This has been such a wonderful addition to our hikes.

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