Sum Swamp
Looking for a math game for the younger kids? This is it! Sum Swamp is a fun game involving addition and subtraction to get you through. My son’s favorite thing to do is chomp, chomp, chomp like a crocodile so you can imagine his excitement when he got to conquer the swamp as a crocodile. In Sum Swamp, you roll dice to make number sentences to get you to the end of the swamp faster than your opponents – but don’t get caught in the endless loop!
- Math – counting, addition, subtraction
- Turn Taking
- Reading Not Required
Players: 2-4
Ages: 5+
Game Time: 10-20 min
Who We Play With:
We play Sum Swamp with our 6 and 3 year old. Our 6 year old can get through the math equations pretty easily but still has a great time playing. Our 3 year old has started using his fingers to get through the equations. This is a really great math game for kids.
How To Play
Set Up
Pick your game marker and set it on the start sign.
Players roll a number die. The player with the highest number goes first.
Game Play
First player rolls all 3 dice and creates a number sentence. The highest number is first, the operation dice second and the lowest number third.
Add or subtract the numbers and move ahead the sum or difference. If you roll a sentence that equals 0, do not move and wait until your next turn.

Number Spaces – Roll the operation die. If you get a “+”, move ahead the number indicated on the space.
If you get a “-“, move back the number indicated on the space.
Evens or Odds Spaces – Roll one number die. If you roll an even or odd number indicated on the board, move ahead that number. If you do not roll an even or odd indicated on the board, do not move and wait until your next turn.
Short Cuts – Follow the arrow if you land on the short cut space.
Endless Loop – All players follow the arrow to enter the loop. Continue moving clockwise. You can only exit the loop if you land on the exit space. You can then exit the loop on your next turn.

Determining A Winner
First person to the finish wins the game.
Would we play this again?
Yes. While Sum Swamp isn’t the most exciting for adults, it’s a perfect game for practicing addition and subtraction. I see my kids learning and having fun. It’s a win-win!
Family Rating
Dad | 2 |
Mom | 3 |
Ahria | 4 |
Garen | 5 |
Sum Swamp is made by Learning Resources.

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