St. Patrick’s Day Paper Plate Twirler
Looking for a super easy St. Patrick’s Day craft for the kids? This one was so much fun! We painted rainbows onto paper plates, cut them in a spiral and glued a lucky pot of gold on the end. Then, we hung them from the ceiling and watched them twirl!
You will need:
Paper Plates
Kwik Stix (or paint, markers, crayons, etc.)
Glue Stick
Construction Paper
Hole Punch (optional)

Paint your plates. We used Kwik Stix. They are my favorite paint sticks to use with a 2 year old. They dry quickly, don’t smear AND if they get on the table, it rubs off easily with your finger. These are the best paints for littles when you don’t want a mess!
We made a few rainbow ones, a green one, polka dotted and Mr. 2 made some with all the colors mixed together.

Cut your plate into a spiral. A great scissor practice opportunity! I drew a spiral on the back of each plate for the kids to follow. Miss 5 is great with scissors but Mr. 2 is still learning. I held the plate and gently turned it as he focused on opening and closing the scissors.

Out of construction paper – cut black pots, yellow circles for the coins and long yellow clouds that will look like gold in the pot. I had the kids use hole punches for coins while I cut out the pots and gold.
Glue the long gold pieces onto the back of the pots with the lumpy top peaking over the edge.
Glue the coins onto the pots.

Glue the pots onto the end of the plate. We used a piece of tape for extra support. Now you can hang your twirler!

To really make it spin, punch a hole into the middle end of the plate and attach yarn. Tape the yarn to the ceiling.

The kids had a lot of fun with this craft! Thanks to Crafty Morning for this fun idea!
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