Songs To Get The Kids Moving
My kids get crazy when they are stuck inside, I’m sure you can relate! We like to turn some of these tunes on the Alexa Dot and dance and move to the music! Here’s some of our favorites. These are perfect for break time in the classroom when everyone needs a release or anytime you are stuck inside! Have fun and get moving!

Freeze Songs
1. Dance Party Freeze
Dance, Hop, Twil & Skip until you have to freeze!
2. Dance Like An Animal Freeze
Stomp like an Elephant, Swim like a Polar Bear, Waddle like a Penguin and Hop like a kangaroo until you have to freeze!
3. Draw A Shape In The Air Freeze
Draw a Triangle, Circle, Square and Rectangle in the air until you have to freeze!
4. What Color Are You Wearing Freeze
Dance around until the color you’re wearing is called. Then you must freeze!
5. Red Light, Green Light
Walk during the green light. Freeze during red light!
Listen & Move Songs
6. Snake Listen & Move – a favorite in our house
Listen to the song as you follow along walking, galloping, skating and tip toeing. Then try to remember what each sound asked you to do!
7. Wright Ideas Listen & Move
Listen to the song as you follow along walking, marching, flying and tiptoeing. Then try to remember what each tune asked you to do!
8. Listen, Move & Touch
Dance, wiggle your fingers and touch your head, toes, tummy and knees as you listen to the cues!
9. Going On A Bear Hunt – another favorite of ours
Listen to the story and act it out as you sing and dance along!
10. Walking In The Jungle
Follow along as you venture through the jungle. Act it out as you dance and sing!
11. Shake My Sillies Out
Sing and Dance along with Raffi as he shakes, jumps, wiggles and claps his crazies out!
12. We Are The Dinosaurs
March along as a dinosaur to this catchy tune!
13. Simon Says
Learn Simon Says!
14. Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes
Dance along to the classic song!
15. Hokey Pokey
Sing and dance along to this classic song!
16. Workout Like Animals
Here’s a workout video for kids! Pretend you are different animals as you follow along!

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