Make Your Own Colorful Paper Spinners
We joined a mini art club and this week’s theme was “unwind”. I thought this would be a perfect craft for unwind! We made paper spinners and the kids are obsessed with keeping them spinning. It’s neat to see what the different patterns look like as they spin.
You will need:
Spinner Template – download at the bottom of this page
Colored Pencils or Markers
Yarn Needle – optional but definitely makes it easier!

Decorate your Spinner Template and cut them out.
Use the template to trace a circle on cardboard and cut it out.
Glue a paper circle on each side of the cardboard circle.

Use the yarn needle to pull the string through the middle of the circle.
Pull the string through and use the needle to bring the string back through the circle next to the first hole. Center these as best as you can.
If the string is too long, it makes it difficult to spin. Ours are about 28 inches long (14 inches after folded in half).

While holding each end of the string in each hand, spin the spinner to wind up the string.
Gently pull tight and loosen as it unwinds. Then pull tight again to keep it spinning. It might take a couple tries but you will get it. Then watch your pattern spin!

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