Paper Plate Black Cat
We started our fall fun this week with our Spooky Food Guessing Game and now it’s time for some creepy crafts! We let the kids decorate their rooms with their crafts. It adds to the fun and they love showing off their hard work. It’s no doubt that black cats bring out the spirit of Halloween and these were so easy to make! Little Miss loves anything to do with paint so she had a blast making these.
You will need:
Paper Plate
Black Paint
Paint Brush
Googly Eyes
Pipe Cleaners (or cut paper whiskers)
Tacky Glue
Construction Paper

Start by painting the plates black. I put the paint on the plate and let Ahria move it around. Less mess!

While the plates are drying, cut the head out of black construction paper. I drew a circle on the paper with pencil, added ears and cut it out.
Now, cut out a nose. Add Googly Eyes and glue the nose and whiskers to the head.
I couldn’t get the pipe cleaners to stick with Elmer’s glue. I ended up using tacky glue and it worked much better!

When the plates are dry, draw an arch with a pencil on the back and cut it out.
Using the piece you cut off, cut the edge of the plate off to make the tail.
Tape the head and tail onto the body.
Hang it for display with your other Halloween creations!
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