Paper Bag Kite
As the weather warms and gentle breezes dance through the air, there’s no better way to celebrate the arrival of spring than by crafting and flying your very own kite. Children will love crafting and running with their whimsical paper bag kites!
You will need:
- Paper Bag
- Decorations – Markers, Kwik Stix, Stickers, Paint, Googly Eyes, Aluminum Foil, Cut Up Paper, Streamers… Anything you can come up with!
- Yarn or String
- Popsicle Stick
- Scissors

Decorate your bags! Use anything that you have on hand. We used Kwik Stix (our favorite), googly eyes, ribbon, cut up construction paper, streamers, stickers and colored masking tape.
You could use paint, sequins, aluminum foil, pom-poms, glitter, etc.
When you are finished decorating, use your scissors to cut a whole in the top (technically the bottom) of the bag.
Cut a long piece of yarn and tie it to a popsicle stick.
Then, pull the yarn through the top of the bag so the popsicle stick sits inside the bag. The popsicle stick will keep the yarn from coming through the hole and hold the kite up as you run!

They were so proud of their kites!

… and super tired after running around with them!

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