Painter’s Tape Activities
We were stuck in the house after a sick spell for a week and I was looking for something easy to set up for the babes. They were feeling pent up and needed an outlet. I put together some fun ideas and all you need is Painter’s Tape!

There are so many ideas but here’s a few to get you moving:
You can use it as a balance beam –
- Walk across with one foot in front of the other. If you touch the carpet, you “fall” and have to start over!
- Walk across backwards.
- Balance on one foot and scoop the carpet with the other foot. Then take a step and scoop with the other.
- Take GIANT steps, lifting your knee up really high before putting it down.
- Lift your leg, touch your toes and then take a step. Alternating legs all the way down.
- Forward rolls. (somersalts)
- Balance on one foot and lift your other leg out to the side as high as you can. Then, take a step.
- Lay on your back and lift into a bridge. With your hands on one side of the tape and your feet on the other, walk sideways down the line. Don’t touch the tape or you have to start over! You can try walking backwards in a bridge, too.
- Cartwheels, handstands, donkey kicks!
- Run down the line while kicking your feet up high to kick your booty!

You can use it to jump! I put lines of painter’s tape at equal distances away from each other. Then, I had her jump from one to the next.
Some more ideas:
- Jump from left to right of the long line all the way down.
- With your hands on your hips, hop with 2 feet down the line.
- Jump in the shape of a star or pencil.
- Jump and bring your knees up to your chest.
- Crawl through the lines without touching them.
- Zig zag through the lines.
- Line up toys or blocks on the lines.
- Jumping Jacks!
Try balancing something on your head or a spoon as you walk across. You could even use the painter’s tape to create shapes, numbers or letters to jump to.

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