Marshmallow Easter Bunny
This Marshmallow Easter Bunny is a super easy and adorable craft for spring time! Great for children of all ages and it’s quick! We already had everything we needed which is always a huge plus!
You will need:
Mini Marshmallows
Cardstock or Construction Paper
Wikki Stix or yarn
Googly Eyes
Bunny Template – Bottom of this page

- Trace your bunny with glue.

2. Glue on the marshmallows. This is a great activity for fine motor skills. Mr 1 struggled a bit at first. He wasn’t sure how hard he should push and when to let go. He got better as he went on, though.

3. Eat some marshmallows! Make it a game – glue on 5 marshmallows, eat 1.

4. Add eyes and a nose!

5. Add whiskers if you like. We used wikki stix for our whiskers. Originally, I was going to use pipe cleaners but I find them tough to glue onto paper. Wikki stix are awesome because they are already sticky and they are sturdier than yarn.

When they were finished we counted how many marshmallows they each used. Miss 4 used 72 and Mr 1 used 52.
Happy crafting!
Click on the picture to print the template.
If you’re using construction paper, you can cut and trace the template onto your paper.

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