Marble Painted Ornaments
The best ornaments are homemade ornaments! A friend told me about how her family saved ornaments from years and years ago that the kids made. Each year they added more and were eventually passed down to her. Her tree was so unique and special! I try to make a few different ornaments each year with the kids to save. We’ve made Pony Bead Ornaments, Salt Dough Ornaments, Paper Straw Tree Ornaments and Popcorn Garland. This week we used acrylic paint to make these gorgeous Marble Painted Ornaments. The kids decorated their Christmas tree with them. You can pile them in a bowl, hang them from door handles or tape the extras to the top bunk bed like my kids!

You will need:
Acrylic Paint – I bought the set in the picture below. LOVE the color options!
Clear Plastic Ornaments With Removable Top
Disposable Cups – or something to hold the ornament upside down while it dries.
Remove the top of the ornament and squeeze paint into the hole.
Cover the hole with your thumb and gently shake the ornament to disperse the paint.
Add more paint if needed.

When you’ve finished adding paint, tip the ornament upside down in a cup to allow any excess paint to drip out.
Let the ornaments dry completely before closing them and hanging them on the tree.
*Important* If the paint is not completely dry, the paint will come off the sides and the moisture will run.

Their Marble Painted Ornaments will be treasured for years to come!

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