Invitation to Craft – Spring Flowers
We are so excited to welcome spring and have many awesome activities started. We are growing an Organic Herb Garden Kit and our caterpillars arrived yesterday for our Butterly Garden!! Since we’ve been doing so many activities, I felt we needed to get some crafting in!
You will need:
Construction Paper
Glue Stick

Start by cutting out stems, leaves, petals and circles for the middle of the flower. I did a few different shapes as petals. For the background, I cut full pieces of construction paper in half.

They pretty much took it from there. Mr 1 needed a bit of help. He was more excited to glue all over than to actually make a flower.

My favorite is the long rectangle petals. I think they look so neat!

We went over shapes, colors and parts of the flower. I’m really impressed how quickly Mr 1 catches on.
This invitation to craft was inspired by Paper And Glue.

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