Homemade St. Patrick’s Day Ice Cream
We had so much fun making this homemade St. Patrick’s Day ice cream together. Watching the kids mix and squeeze with anticipation, turning simple ingredients into magical green ice cream. It’s these spontaneous, messy moments that make having children so special. Here is our easy and fun recipe, to hopefully inspire a few other moms to create their own sweet memories this St. Patrick’s Day!
1/2 cup Milk (half & half might be better!)
1/4 tsp Vanilla
1 tbsp Granulated Sugar
3 drops Green Food Coloring
You will also need:
8 cups Ice
6 tbsp Salt
1 Sandwich Ziplock Bag
1 gal Ziplock Bag

Pour the milk into the smaller ziplock bag. Add sugar, vanilla and food coloring. Seal it shut.
Put ice and salt in the large ziplock bag.
Now, put your small ziplock bag into the large ziplock bag and shake it up! Make sure you have enough ice to completely cover the small ziplock bag.

After about 5 minutes, your mixture should be frozen. You can eat it right out of the bag or scoop it into a bowl. We decorated it with rainbow sprinkles and Lucky Charms marshmallows. YUM!

What’s up with the salt? – The SCIENCE in Ice Cream
If you were to add only ice to the large ziplock bag and shake it, your ice would melt before the ice cream ever froze. The salt watery mix that forms is actually colder than regular ice because salt lowers the freezing temperature of water. We talked about this a lot today because the kids hands were freezing!
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