Ghost Fightin’ Treasure Hunters
I have never been so right about a game, ever. I just knew this game was going to be a hit. If memory serves, I discovered Ghost Fightin’ Treasure Hunters back when it was on Kickstarter. Since then, this game has grown and even has it’s own expansion pack! Thank goodness because we love Ghost Fightin’ Treasure Hunters so much! Fight ghosts alone, take on hauntings with another player and get the jewels back home before the hauntings take over – which happens more often than you think!
Ghost printables and crafts at the bottom of this page!
- Strategy
- Co-operative
- No reading necessary
- Letter recognition
- Numbers – numerical order and counting
Players: 2-4
Ages: 8+
Game Time: 30 min
Who We Play With:
The whole family loves Ghost Fightin’ Treasure Hunters! We started playing with my son at 3 years old. I feel the 8+ age recommendation is too high. Since you flip the card and move to help the whole team, it’s easy to guide the little ones as they take their turn.
How To Play
Set Up
Put a ghost at each circle with a bright ring around it.
Put a jewel in each RED room.
The blue rooms do not get a jewel.
All players start at the front door.
Shuffle the cards and put them on the draw pile spot, face down.
If you are not playing the advanced game, take the blue and green door cards and the red ghost cards out of the deck.

Game Play
Roll the white dice to see how many spots to move. Each space is 1 space and each room is one space.
If you roll a number with a ghost, flip over a card and do what the card shows. Either put one ghost in the correct room OR shuffle all the cards and put them back on the draw pile spot.
If you end your turn in a room with a ghost, you can fight it. Roll the black dice. If you roll a ghost, you win and the ghost is removed from the board. If there is a jewel in the room, you can now pick it up. If you roll anything other than a ghost, you lose and the ghost stays on the board. Your turn is now over.

If a room acquires 3 ghosts, it becomes a haunting. Any player in the room or traveling through the room will become stuck. Hauntings can only be fought by TWO or more PLAYERS. On your turn, if another player is in the room with you, you can roll both black dice to fight the haunting.
If you roll a haunting, you win and the haunting is removed from the board.
If you roll anything else, you lose and you are BOTH stuck in the room until the haunting is cleared.

Continue moving thorough the rooms, fighting and placing ghosts and hauntings AND collecting jewels to bring home.

Determining A Win Or Loss
If SIX hauntings get on the board, YOU LOSE!
If all players get stuck in separate rooms with a haunting, YOU LOSE!
If you get all jewels out before SIX hauntings take over, YOU WIN!

The Advanced Game
The advanced game is played by adding the advanced cards – the blue and green doors and the red ghosts. It also requires the jewels to be picked up in numerical order.
Jewels – Each jewel has a number on it. When setting up the Advanced Game, shuffle and place the jewels, number side down, randomly. When you enter a room with a jewel, you may flip the jewel to reveal the number. At that point, the jewel can be picked up or left for the next player but only the jewel in the next numerical order can be brought home.
When you roll the white dice and get a ghost, you flip a card. All the same rules apply, PLUS:
Blue Door Card – blue doors are now locked. You cannot go in or out of blue doors until a green door is flipped or all cards are shuffled. Set the blue card to the side of the board so you remember.
Green Door Card – green doors are now locked. You cannot go in or out of green doors until a blue door is flipped or all cards are shuffled. Set the green card to the side of the board so you remember.
Red Ghost – draw as many cards as the red ghost is holding up fingers. 2 or 3. Place ghosts according to which cards you draw. If you draw another red ghost during the draw, disregard it. When you are finished, shuffle all cards – including door cards.

We have yet to try the expansion because we still have so much fun with the original! I will definitely be ordering and reviewing it soon. Keep an eye out!
You can find the expansion on amazon. CLICK HERE
Family Rating
Dad | 5 |
Mom | 5 |
Ahria | 5 |
Garen | 5 |
Ghost Fightin’ Treasure Hunters is made by Mattel.
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