Felt Gingerbread Man
Miss 4 is always asking to use the hot glue gun. This was a great craft for teaching her how to use it. She loved it – obviously, because what 4 year old doesn’t like using things they aren’t technically allowed to use, right? These gingerbread man ornaments were our 7th craft for 25 Crafts of Christmas.
You will need:
Pony Beads
Hot Glue Gun
Googly Eyes
Sewing Trim

Print and cut out the Gingerbread Man Template. Tape it to the felt and cut.

Usually I don’t mind pushing on the glue when it’s hot but obviously Miss 4 couldn’t do that. I told her to drop the piece of trim on the glue and use scissors to push it down in the right place. It worked really nice.

For the bow, I cut 2 rectangles. Miss 4 put a line of glue down the center from top to bottom. Then we pinched it and held it until the glue dried.

I made the hats, mouths and pockets out of felt.

To tie the beads, I wrapped the last bead with ribbon twice and then tied a knot.

I think they are totally cute and it was a great opportunity for hot glue gun practice. She has them hanging under her shelf.
What holiday crafts are you making this year? Comment below ↓

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