Egg Carton Caterpillars
These adorable caterpillars were a great addition to our Butterfly Garden activities. It was a fun craft that Mr 1 got to be involved in. We gathered some inspiration from Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar (arguably the best book for littles, ever!) and got to painting!
You will need:
Cardboard Egg Carton
2 Wikki Stix for antennas – You could also use pipe cleaners
2 Googly Eyes

- Cut your egg carton in half and trim the tall parts so the carton sits flat on the table.
- Paint your egg carton! We painted the body green and the head red, just like The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

3. When the paint dries, add googly eyes and antennas.
That’s it! We pretended to feed our caterpillars with pompoms. Later, one of our butterflies emerged in the butterfly garden and the kids think it’s because we fed our caterpillars pompoms! They had fun doing this little craft together and our Activity Trays made cleanup a breeze!
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