Dancing Spiders
This weekend, we got into the Halloween spirit with some super fun spider crafts! First, we crafted spooky Spider Webs that looked amazing, then we made the cutest Dancing Spiders that were a hit with the kids. If you’re looking for a creative way to add some Halloween fun, these cute Dancing Spiders are a must-try!
You will need:
Popsicle Stick or any stick
Stretchy String (we used jewelry string but any string or yarn would work)
Pipe Cleaners
Googly Eyes
Eye Pin
2 Inch Foam Ball
Black Paint
Paint your foam ball black. Once dry, add googly eyes and a mouth. I carved the smile into the foam ball. You could also use white paint.
Screw the eye hook into the top of the ball. If you don’t have an eyehook, you could thread the string through the ball with a thread needle and tie a knot at the bottom.

Push your pipe cleaners into the side of the foam ball as legs.
Thread your string through the eye hook and tie a knot. Tie the other end of the string around your stick. Our string was about 18 inches long.

Bounce your stick up and down, left and right to make your spider dance!
Even our Captain Hook skeleton got in on the fun!

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