Decorating Branches – Transform Branches into Beautiful Masterpieces
Embrace the beauty of nature and ignite your creativity with this delightful project. Transform a simple branch into a beautiful centerpiece or wall decor by adorning it with pom poms, feathers, aluminum foil and whatever else you come up with.
Decorating branches is amazing for fine motor skills, developing creativity and art skills. We went for a walk and gathered a few medium sized branches. Then, I put out some art supplies and random items and let her get to work.
We used:
Tacky Glue
Wikki Stix
Aluminum Foil
Pom Poms
Get creative! Any extras will do – buttons, cotton balls, paper, sequins etc.

We also gathered some rocks from outside and painted them. We used Q-Tips to make polka dotted rocks.
When wrapping the branch in yard, I found that shorter pieces worked better. Miss 3 was having a tough time with the glue so we started using our Wikki Stix instead. They are awesome for branch decorating!

Tacky glue was great for the pom poms! Elmer’s was too runny for the round surface.

I think it looks awesome hanging from our woodsy picture frame!

This kept her busy for a good portion of the morning. She was so excited to start, she didn’t even change out of her leotard!
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