Box Trucks
We turned an old diaper box into an awesome play truck for the kids to play with. We decked them out with tires, lights and paint. These are great for imaginative play and just scooting around the house.
You will need:
Paint Brushes or Sponges
Medium Sized Box – I used 2 diaper boxes that have been sitting in the bedroom for longer than I want to admit!
Any other painting tools – I took cardboard tubes and made them into stamps. One of them I fringed, and the other I squeezed and held it together with tape to make a heart shape. You could use bunched up paper towel, plastic forks or even potato mashers to make different patterns.

First, I made sure to get as much of the stickers off that I could so the paint would stick. I took the tape off of the outside and taped the seams on the inside. They absolutely LOVED painting their boxes!

They stamped and sponged their paint on. Of course, painting turned into finger painting. I made sure to do this before tub time!

When the boxes were dry, they each put 4 tires, 2 brake lights and 2 headlights on their trucks with construction paper. You can see how much Mr. 1 enjoyed being a part of this craft. I love how involved he is!

They were so proud of their trucks! Each of them grabbed a handful of stuffed animals and they played animal rescue until dinnertime.

Their trucks display a genuine expression of their individual creativity. They loved zooming around the house and showing them off.

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