Block Search & Sort
This week was all about the toddler activities! Block Search & Sort was an awesome activity to kick it off! It required very little set up and everything was right in my closet.

I stuck blue, green and orange foam blocks all over the hallway with painters tape. I used 3 colors but really only focused on one. See what I mean in my Block Bucket Sorting by Color post. Then I put a blue, green and orange piece of paper on the floor and sent babe in.

I didn’t really expect him to know where to put the blocks but he did really well figuring it out. I only had to point a few times and when I did he knew exactly what to do. It took him a minute to get into this but by the end, he was racing for the next block.

Sorting blocks into colors gets baby thinking about grouping similar things and is the first step to talking. As soon as they realize similarities, they can start putting a name to it.

This was a fun way to introduce colors and get him moving. Since I focused on blue, he started saying “boo” when he brought the blue blocks over.

Ahria liked watching him and asked me to set it up for her afterward. You can hide the blocks in hard places to find for the bigger babes and have them stack the colors as high as they can before it falls.

Give this a try and comment below how it went! ↓

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