Aluminum Foil Doodles

These Aluminum Foil Doodles POP! I love the contrast of the marker on the foil.

You will need:
Aluminum Foil
Colored Tape (optional)

Learning About Abstract Art

Before we started our doodles, we learned about abstract art. We read Matthew’s Dream, looked up pictures of abstract art on google and we watched this video from Mr. Smith’s Art Room on how to draw abstract art.

We were inspired to make our doodles from a cute book called Matthew’s Dream. Matthew is a little mouse who decides he wants to become a painter. He makes beautiful abstract art much like our Aluminum Foil Doodles!

Watch Mr. Smith draw abstract art and learn about his different techniques.

Making The Base

To make the base, I cut a square piece of cardboard from a box. I covered it in aluminum foil and taped it to the back. To create a frame, I used colored masking tape on the edges.

Coloring Our Doodles

To start, we used our black marker to make a doodle. I let the kids draw their own but next time I would have them create more intersections for smaller spaces and shapes.

They filled in each section with different colors and patterns.

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