Ocean Diorama
Here’s a wonderful resource for making an Ocean Diorama. I’ve made it easy for you, with printables and worksheets, to learn about the different layers of the ocean and the creatures that live in it. My kids loved making our Rainforest Diorama and our Farm Animal Diorama so I knew an Ocean Diorama would be a hit! (and it was!)

We started by making the layers of the ocean in our shoe box. I unfolded the back of the box and stood it on it’s side so it was nice and tall. We used construction paper to make the sand and different colored layers of blue for the water.

The kids colored in the animals as I read a few facts about each animal to them. These are the animals we cut out to use in our Ocean Diorama.
They used the Layers Of The Ocean coloring page to make sure they put each animal in the correct layer. We talked about how some of the animals can be found in multiple layers. We used thread to hang some of the animals from the top of the box. Then we added shells and star fish to the bottom.

After we finished our diorama, we did our writing activity. We drew pictures of the animals in each layer and cut along the dotted lines. Then we wrote short descriptions of each layer on the description page and stapled the ocean layers to the descriptions on the left side to create a neat activity page. The kids took their time coloring each of their pictures in.
We practiced shading with our Ocean Shading Worksheet and cut and glued the layers in the correct order.

Ocean Animals For Diorama – BW & Color
Ocean Layers With Animals – BW & Color
Shading and Cut & Glue Worksheet
Animal Facts Pages – 3 pages
Layers Of The Ocean Writing Activity Page – 2 pages

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