Painted Acorns
On our routine evening walk, we pass a bunch of huge acorn trees. The kids take a few of the best ones each night. After collecting a bucketfull, Miss 4 said “how pretty would they be if they were all different colors!” So, we painted them! This was a cool little craft for the kids to do on a rainy day.
You will need:
Paint – We used Tempura Paint because I’m always looking for easy cleanup with the kids!
Acrylic Paint would be brighter and coat the acorn better.
Dry your acorns for around 2 hours in the oven on low heat. Leave the oven door cracked so the moisture can escape. You may get one overcooked acorn but most should dry up well.
DON’T SKIP THIS PART! Learn from my mistake. The first time we did this, worms hatched out of our acorns. Yuck!

Now you can paint your acorns! The kids loved painting them. Do you know how hard it is to hold onto those little acorns and paint?! Fine motor skills development in action!

Eventually Mr 2’s paints mixed and we decided to roll some acorns. The paint spiraled around them and look really neat!

They got a kick out of the “faces” their acorns made in the paint.

I’m going to use our acorns in a Fall Sensory Bin soon. You could put yours out for display in a decorative bowl or use them to fill up a glass vase! Happy Fall!
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