Nature’s Roll & Paint: Crafting Cool Textures Down the Slide
I’ve never brought paint outside in this way before and I don’t know why!! We had so much fun and cleanup was a breeze. I simply sprayed everything down with the hose – yep, even the children! We collected pinecones a week or so ago and I’ve been trying to decide what to do with them. This was perfect!
You will need:
Washable Paint
Nature items – rocks, pinecones, nuts, sticks, anything that could roll or bounce!
Long Paper
Start by taping your long paper onto the slide. Then, add a few blobs of paint and start rolling your nature items!

Originally, I thought this was going to be a cool way to paint paper but how awesome are these painted pine cones?! I just love how the colors didn’t mix and look so marbled.

Naturally, they had to get their hands completely covered and stamp them on everything they could!

Even the old well frame got some paint love.

I looked away for just a moment and they were covered..

Oh well. That’s what the hose and a washcloth are for! At least they had fun!
This would be fun with balls, cars or anything you can think of that would roll! Have fun!

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