Solo Cup Ball Race
This solo cup ball race was SO MUCH FUN! We’ve been stuck inside for what feels like forever, so some good fun to get everybody moving was totally in order! Mom and Dad even got in on this one.
You will need:
12 Balls
2 Buckets or containers
2 Headbandz or hats
Blow-up Basketball Hoop (you could use a basket or large container)
Painter’s Tape
2 Plastic Cups

- Place 5 balls in each bucket at the starting point.
- Tape a solo cup to your headband or hat. Make sure it’s taped so that it stays put if you look down.
- Tape a ball to the bottom each cup so it can’t fall out. This is to make sure that the next ball doesn’t get stuck in the bottom of your cup.
- Place your basketball hoop or container at the end point.
- Put on your headbands!

To play:
- Stand at the starting point.
- On the count of 3, grab a ball and place it in your cup.
- Run to the endpoint and dump your ball into the basketball hoop or container.
- Run to start and grab another ball.
- Repeat.
- First person to get all of their balls in the hoop wins!

- You cannot touch the hoop or container when you are dumping your ball in.
- If your ball bounces out of the hoop OR falls out of your cup while you are running, you have to run back to start and try again.
- You cannot start running until the ball is in your cup AND your hand is no longer touching it.
We had a blast and the kids were totally worn out afterward.
I’d love to hear if you gave this a try! Comment below how it went! ↓

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