DIY Giant Ocean Puzzle
Making this Ocean Scene was so much fun! I had been thinking of doing something like this for a while and hadn’t gotten to it. This morning, my 1 year old decided 6am was a good time to wake up. I took advantage and got to printing, tracing and cutting! We made a huge ocean puzzle that the kids got to decorate.
You will need:
Long paper (I used brown paper)
Hole punch (optional)
Construction Paper
Sharpie Marker
Tape for hanging
Googly Eyes
Things to decorate your scene with (We used Glitter Glue, sequin, and markers)
You could use regular glitter or paint but I was going for mess free!

I made you a couple templates. Print them on cardstock for easy tracing.
Print and cut these out:
Ocean template 1
Ocean template 2
Ocean template 3
For the sand, starfish, bubbles and clam, I winged it!

Cut a long piece of brown paper. Ours was 44 inches long, 26 inches wide. Set up all of your pieces and trace them with marker. I very loosely traced and didn’t worry about small details. The idea was for her to try and figure out where each shape went and how to get it in the right spot. This was plenty detailed for her to figure that out.

We quickly figured out that it was easier to glue on all of the shapes and then decorate them.

We went over all the fish and animals and where they all belonged. She had fun putting the puzzle together and decorating each one.

I was really impressed when she stuck the white pearl onto the clam. How did she know that?!

My 1 year old even got in on the decorating. They both loved making their own ocean scene.
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