5 Awesome DIY Bird Feeders To Delight Feathered Friends
Here’s a great list of DIY Bird Feeders to make with the kids! You can watch the birds stop by for a treat while having your morning coffee! These would make perfect treats for chickens too! All of these are super easy and lots of fun so let’s get to it!
1. Stale Bread Bird Feeder
I admit, I have had these stale pieces of bread in the garage since last year just waiting for me to turn them into bird feeders. Today, we did it!
Use a straw or screw driver to poke a hole in your bread.
Let your bread harden for a day or two (or a year if you prefer..).
Slather the bread in peanut butter and press into birdseed.
We hung ours in our chicken coop with zip ties! The chickens very much approved.

Natural Beach Living made these awesome Apple Bird Feeders! These are great for watching the birds have a snack while you sit on the porch. Click the picture for instructions!
3. Cardboard Tube Bird Feeder
Spread peanut butter on the cardboard tube and roll it in bird seed.
Then, hang it in your favorite tree as a treat for the birds!

Jen, at Mama Papa Bubba, made these adorable Cookie Cutter Bird Feeders. This is a great nature craft to do with the kids. Click on the picture to see how she made these!
5. Pine Cone Bird Feeder
Gather up a few big pine cones and either roll or spread them with peanut butter.
Then, roll them in bird seed and hang them from a tree! Your backyard birds will love these!

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