3D Paper Rainbow
Miss 3 had a blast with this 3D paper rainbow!
You will need:
Construction Paper
Paper Cutter (optional)

Start by cutting 1 inch strips along the longer side of paper. I used a paper cutter for ease. Starting with orange, cut 1 inch off the end, then yellow 2 inches, green 3 inches, blue 4 inches and purple 5 inches off the end. Don’t cut red. This is a great opportunity to practice measuring!

Next, line up the ends on one side and fold over a tab. Do the same for the other side. These are the tabs you will glue to the base paper.

Starting with purple, glue the tabs onto your base paper. We used tape this time – our glue sticks were missing. It worked okay but glue would have been better.

Decorate the white paper around your rainbow!

She had a lot of fun putting this together. She loved that it was 3D and popped off the page. It’s on display on Daddy’s desk and she is very proud of it!
Comment below if you loved this 3D rainbow! ↓

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