3 Easy Valentine’s Day Crafts & Felt Board Game!
We had some heart”felt” fun on this snowy day! Here’s a few easy and fun ideas for your Valentine’s Day celebration with littles!
Invitation to Craft – Silly Heart Faces
These adorable heart faces are simple and fun! I got the idea from ThePurposefulNest and put an Invitation to Craft spin on it. If you haven’t tried Invitation to Craft yet, check out our Ice Cream Cones and Butterflies. The idea is to give the materials for a craft and a general idea of what to do but allow them to use their own thought process to put it all together.
You will need:
Construction Paper
String or Yarn to hang
Googly Eyes
Anything else you’d like to add! This is a great craft for scraps. You could use felt, foam, aluminum foil, cardboard, etc.

Cut out hearts for the base. We used Sparkle Construction Paper. Cut eyebrows, eyes, a mouth, nose if you like, and arms and legs. You could use yarn or crepe paper for hair. I had originally planned on only having arms but Miss 4 cut them in half and taped arms and legs on. I totally LOVED that this was her idea.
Here’s a heart template to make it easier for you.
Heart Template

Use a hole punch and hang them in your favorite spot! Miss 4 has them hanging from her light in her room.
While she was working on her hearts, Mr. 1 was busy using his Do-A-Dot Paints to decorate papers and shapes. He even got a dot in on one of her hearts.

Love Bugs
How perfectly cute are these toilet paper roll Love Bugs from TheCraftTrain! I know my littles would love decorating the house with these. Head on over to her website to see how to make them!
Invitation to Craft – Heart Tree
Here’s another super easy Valentine’s Day craft! Simply cut a trunk, branches and hearts out of construction paper and let them get to work!
You will need:
Construction Paper

For easy cleanup, provide a scrap piece of paper to do the gluing on!

She enjoyed putting this together and I got some mom time.

Felt Board Tic-Tac-Toe and Heart Tree
I have bags and bags of different felt board activities. They are great for teaching, story telling and quiet time.
You will need:
Full Page Sticker Paper (optional)

Print out the template on sticker paper.
Tic-Tac-Toe Heart Template
Place the sticker onto the felt. This will be the board. Make sure to use thick enough felt that it doesn’t pull apart too easy. Now cut out each square. Be sure to make your lines wide enough.
Now, peel each square off and put it onto the felt color for the hearts. Cut each heart out. You need 5 of each color so you’ll have to use one heart template twice.
If you don’t want to use the template, you can cut 4 strips and hot glue them together.

Play tic-tac-toe on your felt board! Our felt board is simply 8×12 inch pieces of felt, hot glued onto cardboard. If you don’t have a felt board, you can use a full piece of felt. Lay it on the table or in your lap!

Younger babes can stack hearts. See how many hearts you can stack before they fall off the board. Mr. 1 got a kick out of that.

Or they can make a Heart Tree! Cut a tree out of felt and cover it in hearts.
I made this template for you to make it easier!

I hope your littles love these ideas as much as we did!
Here’s a fun Valentine’s Day worksheet for you and your babe! ↓
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Love this, Shannon! All such fun ideas. The felt tree is adorable. My daughter is sitting with me and immediately asked if she will be making it for our next craft.
Thanks so much! The felt board is one of their favorite activities, for sure!