Hatching Chick Easter Egg Craft
I love spring and all the pretty pastel colors that come with it. I’ve always tried to make Easter special with surprises and magic. It’s fun to let the littles use their imagination for an exciting experience. We did Magic Lollipops last spring under The Magic Tree in our front yard and it was really fun! This year, we’re really into crafting. I just love how cute this Hatching Chick Easter Egg Craft is!!
You will need:
Crayons or Markers
Hole Punch
Template – Download at the bottom of this page!
Color in the Easter egg and chick.

Then, cut out the eggs. Don’t cut across the cracked egg until after the next step.

Lay the eggs on top of each other and punch a hole in the top and bottom of the eggs.
Now, cut the crack of the egg. Don’t cut across the egg with the chick.

Attach the top and bottom of the cracked egg to the chick egg with fasteners. Open and close your egg to reveal the chick!

I was only going to make 1 or 2 of these but Miss 4 kept asking for more eggs to decorate. She really loved putting these together and showing them off when she was finished.

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